what career fields are Latino males going into

what career fields are Latino males going into

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 4

I know that Latino males are heading off to college, I see it with my students, but where are the statistics that show what career fields/majors are Latino Males going to?  Is there anything on the university campuses actively recruiting Latino males to become teachers?

When I have gone to CSUSM I see flyers for people becoming teachers but primarily in the STEM but nothing else. Are we then limiting the search just for these people majoring in these majors?

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Trả lời: what career fields are Latino males going into

by suka sukamin -
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Trả lời: what career fields are Latino males going into

by sulo fa leee -

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Re: what career fields are Latino males going into

by Eduardo Farley -

That’s partly based on the age-old theory that women are simply better at direct-care work dinosaur game, especially with elderly people and children.