Monday's BLP agenda posted

Monday's BLP agenda posted

by Staci Beavers -
Number of replies: 0

Hi folks--

I've posted Monday's BLP agenda on our Community page.  We need to re-review a P-form from the School of Ed from last year (never made it to Senate floor, so it's back with us).  I've posted our DRAFT report from last year--for returning members, it's the exact same report you saw before; for new BLP members, please feel free to make any suggestions.

You'll also see in the agenda that our next LAMP report is noted as a joint Oberem-Watson effort.  My grateful thanks go to Kathleen for agreeing to serve as the BLP Chair's designee as co-chair of the LAMP task force.  We'll look forward to hearing the latest developments as recruitment of task force members continues.

See you Monday,