BLP's Monday Agenda

BLP's Monday Agenda

by Staci Beavers -
Number of replies: 0


I've posted Monday's BLP agenda.  Several documents on the agenda are on our Community page:  the P-form for the new Health Information Technology (HIT) and the DRAFT BLP report for the Geospatial Studies P-form are both available under the "Curriculum Review" heading.

Our most recent minutes (Oct 8) are attached.

NOTE:  The University Budget Committee (UBC) will hold its first meeting this Friday (9-10:30 a.m.).  I mistakenly believed that all meetings prior to the Nov 6 election were cancelled, so I will be out of town on Friday and unable to attend this meeting.  If any faculty members are interested in attending on behalf of BLP, please let me know to get the agenda.  Otherwise, I'll ask Graham to provide an update from UBC on Monday.  The Provost tells me this meeting will be primarily informational/background for new members, but I will get copies of any handouts for your information. 
