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Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations
AY 24/25
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Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / SSP-AR
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / SSP-AR / AY 24/25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / SSP-AR / AY 24/25 / TT
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / SSP-AR / AY 24/25 / Temp
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CHABSS
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CHABSS / AY 24/25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CHABSS / AY 24/25 / Tenure Track
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CHABSS / AY 24/25 / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CHABSS / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoBA
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoBA / AY 24/25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoBA / AY 24/25 / Tenure Track
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoBA / AY 24/25 / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoEHHS
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoEHHS / AY 24/25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoEHHS / AY 24/25 / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoEHHS / AY 24/25 / Tenure track
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoEHHS / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CoEHHS / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CSTEM
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CSTEM / AY 2024-25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CSTEM / AY 2024-25 / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CSTEM / AY 2024-25 / Tenure Track
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / CSTEM / Lecturer
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / Library
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / Library / AY 24/25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / Library / AY 24/25 / Tenure Track
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / Library / AY 24/25 / Lecturers
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / First-Year Programs
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / First-Year Programs / AY 24/25
Departments and Divisions / Lecturer & Tenure Track Evaluations / RTP Working Containers (TT)
Departments and Divisions / OGRS
Departments and Divisions / Program Review
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2010/12
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2011/12
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2011/13
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2012/13
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2012/14
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2013/14
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2013/15
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Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2015/17
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2016/18
Departments and Divisions / Program Review / 2017/19
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Faculty Affairs / RTP / RTP AY 24/25
Faculty Affairs / RTP / RTP AY 23/24
Faculty Affairs / RTP / RTP AY 22/23
Faculty Affairs / RTP / RTP AY 21/22
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CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care at CSUSM
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Zambrano,Patricia -AMD 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Wood,Syndee LTWR-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Wills,Jarryd PSYC-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
van Brunschot,Rietje -AMD 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Tippeconnic,John-AIS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Thielman,Shad - HIST 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Soto,Oscar - SOC 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Sloan,Antony- PHIL 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Simpson,Rebecca PSCI-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Shuh,Erika MLS-3 year PRC AY 21/22 - 23/24
Sanchez,Geneva SOC-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Samir,Fatim-Zahra MLS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Ruiz,Angelica- SOC 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Roche,Mary SOC-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Riggs,Miriam- HIST 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Novotny,Matthew- TA 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Miller,James AMD-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Mellow,Jennifer CMS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Lukla,David- LBST 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Lindholm,Charmin CMS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Kreisler,Alison PSCY-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Hernandez,Dava-DNCE 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Heil,Jason TA-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Hardnack,Chrisopher SOC-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Griswold,Randall MUSC S-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Grazier,William LTWR-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Eso,Karen PSYC-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Diehr,Michael PSYC-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
diBenedetto,Nancy-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
del Valle-Calnan,Ana Isabel MSL-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Dabb,Traci Anne PHIL-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Cujec,Carol MLS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Corey,Amy CMS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Colanter,Eddie PHIL 3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Cauchon,Steven PSCI-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Brar,Heidi -AMD 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Bozonelos,Dino PSCI S-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Blunt,Travis - SOC 6th Year PRC AY 19/20 - 24/25
Bednarchik,Lori CMS-3 year PRC AY 22/23 - 24/25
Baker,Jedediah- ECON 6th Year PRC AY 18/19 - 23/24
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