Documents for Tuesday

Documents for Tuesday

by Staci Beavers -
Number of replies: 0


I'm attaching the latest draft of the MSW report.  You'll see a few notes about pieces we're still waiting for, but I think we're getting close.  Feel free to send any feedback prior to Tuesday's meeting.

ALSO--The proposed MPH budget is also on the Community page, with the other MPH documents.  (Thanks, Mike.)   I'm waiting to hear from Kara on the questions I forwarded to her today, and we'll pick up with this on Tuesday.

AND, If you're so inclined, you can also take a look at several new P-forms that have been forwarded from Academic Programs (Certificate in Palliative Care, M.S. in KINE).  Both are now posted on our Community page if you'd like to read ahead.

Have a good weekend,