Palliative Care--NURS Response to query

Palliative Care--NURS Response to query

by Staci Beavers -
Number of replies: 0


I'm pasting the correspondence between Denise Boren and myself regarding the Palliative Care P-form.  Please note below for next week's BLP meeting.  Thanks!


Hi Stacy;
Thank you for asking the questions. Yes, we would like to launch the program in the fall.

1. In UH we will have approximately 8500 square feet in the renovated area. Faculty offices will be outside this area. Most of the space will be for instruction. We will have a 10 bed skills lab (currently we have 6 beds), a large simulation center with 4 rooms (currently we have 3 rooms), and 4 exam rooms for Nurse Practitioners (currently we have 1 space in the skills lab). Classrooms for instruction will be scheduled like any other department on campus. We will have a dedicated computer lab on the 2nd floor that will include distance capabilities so that we can do distance learning with our Temecula students. In addition, we have a multipurpose room and large faculty conference room that will have SMART capabilities for smaller groups (20-25). Theory courses will be taught in classrooms we schedule, the multipurpose room and large faculty conference room, and clinical skills will be taught in exam rooms. Students will then go into clinical agencies (hospitals, hospices and Palliative Care Centers) for clinical experiences. We have a number of agencies that are interested in taking our students. I have no doubt that we will have the room for the students in this program.

2. We currently have two lecturers that could potentially teach some of these courses. The Director for the CSU Institute of Palliative Care was hired by President Haynes to direct all the Institute activities and is not a nurse, however she has a masters prepared nurse who can teach courses in this program. My tenure tracks do not have this expertise except for me. I am now faculty and will teach some each semester or summer and I could teach several of these courses. The program is run as a self-support program so it will not be a problem funding faculty. There is great interest in the community for this program and I expect that we will not have a problem filling the seats. I also have many partners in the community that have MSN or doctoral level nurses that would like to teach in the program so I do not anticipate any problems with finding faculty. When students go to the clinical sites, they have a preceptor they learn with at no cost to us. A faculty member would have oversight, post-conferences with students and grade student work.  I believe 1-2 adjunct faculty could teach the courses. Most palliative care nurses have the expertise in all this content.

I hope this answers your questions. If you need anything else, please contact me.

Thank you.

Denise Boren, PhD, RN
Director, School of Nursing
College of Education, Health and Human Services
California State University San Marcos
Phone: (760) 750-7553
Fax: (760) 750-3646
From: Staci Beavers
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 10:11 PM
To: Lois Kannan; Denise Boren
Cc: Janet Powell; Denise Garcia; Laurie Stowell
Subject: RE: P-form for Palliative Care

Hi Lois and Denise,

I'm writing on behalf of the Senate's Budget & Long-Range Planning Committee (BLP), which is currently reviewing the P-form for the Palliative Care certificate.  Some questions came up in today's discussion of the proposal that we'd like to get your input on.  We understand that you are hoping to launch the program ASAP, so we need to complete our review in the next few weeks in order to get the P-form to the Academic Senate this year.

Most of our questions focused on Question #10 in the P-form, specifically, the "Instructional resources (faculty, space, equipment, library volumes, etc.) needed to implement and sustain the Certificate program."   Please note that we are waiting for reports from the Library and IITS regarding what they will need to support the program, so we expect those gaps to be filled in by those units.  More specifically, we'd like more information from you on the following points:

1.  The discussion of Item #10 focuses heavily on the facilities at the SMACC facility.  Would you please provide an update on the facilities that you will need and that
      will be available after you move to University Hall?  In other words, how will the physical capacity needs be met after your move?
2.  We see that the program includes 12 new courses, in addition to existing courses within the MSN.   The P-form lists 7 tenure-track and lecturer faculty.  Frankly,
      we're concerned about SON's capacity in terms of having the faculty to offer the necessary curriculum.   Would you please help us understand how many
      faculty (tenure-track and lecturers) will need to be hired in order to offer the program effectively, and where you are at in terms of knowing that you can fill the
      necessary courses?  Along these lines, we understand that you've hired a new Director for the Palliative Care Center--is this individual a member of the teaching


PS--I'm cc'ing Janet Powell and Denise Garcia as the CEHHS administrators, and Laurie Stowell is the CEHHS rep to BLP.  Laurie and Janet--if I've left out anything from today's discussion that we wanted to have addressed, please feel free to chime in!