Budget and Long Range Planning 2014-2015
Meets Tuesdays 2:30-3:45 PM in Kel. 3010
The Budget and Long-Range Planning Committee shall serve as the deliberative body of the faculty on budget and resource use for annual and long-range planning issues. It shall participate in and provide recommendations for the construction of Academic Affairs’ budget requests and represent the faculty through participation in university budgeting. The committee shall, in its long-range planning capacity, actively participate in the University’s strategic planning process including university accreditation, and review proposals submitted for the University Academic Master Plan. BLP shall make recommendations on resources (for example, library, laboratory, and information technology) for new and existing academic programs. In pursuit of these duties, the committee may create ad hoc subcommittees.
Pat Stall, Chair (CEHHS) (13-15 term)
Bruce Rich (COBA) (14-16 term)
Linda Holt (CSM) (13-15 term)
Hua Yi (Library) (13-15 term)
Toni Olivas (At Large) (14-16 term)
JJ Gutowski (ASI)
CHABSS (open seat)
Katherine Kantardjieff (Dean)
Bill Ward (Dean IITS)
Mike Schroder (Dean Extended Learning)
Kamel Haddad, Vice Provost