Introduction to Integrative Healthcare Course

Introduction to Integrative Healthcare Course

by Linnea Axman -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Class or Interested Faculty Member:

You are receiving this email because you have been enrolled in NURS 604 Introduction to Integrative Healthcare.

If you do not wish to receive anymore mail from this course, please let me know and I will remove you from the course.

The didactic course is being offered every Wednesday on campus from 0900-1200 in MARK (Markstein) 301 beginning this Wednesday June 8th through August 10th. Please note that Week 3 (June 22nd) is an online module; you will not come to campus for class that week. It is the only module that is planned to be online at this time.

Please read through the DRAFT syllabus carefully. It will remain in DRAFT for the first 3 weeks.

Please note that you must attend 8/9 in-class modules in order to obtain your CEUs.

Please dress in comfortable clothes for class.

I look forward to seeing you.

Kindest Regards

Linnea Axman