Role of Naturopathy in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus II

Role of Naturopathy in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus II

by Pushpa Sengupta -
Number of replies: 1

1.     Identify pathophysiology changes related to the age range and topic/disease.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a condition which is seen mostly in adults between age range of 30-50 years of age. It typically commences with a resistance to insulin by cells of the body, that worsens over time.  To overcome this situation pancreatic beta cells produces more insulin. This resistance, and the compensating production of insulin by pancreatic beta cells, may eventually lead to beta cell failure.  This beta cell failure leads to no further secretion of the endogenous insulin (McCance and Huether, 2014).

Inability of the cells to utilize insulin hormone which helps them to absorb and use glucose in metabolic process is hampered which is known as Insulin resistance. As this resistance increases the cellular uptake of glucose goes down and the glucose molecules go higher and higher in the bloodstream (McCance and Huether, 2014). If the insulin supply lessens entirely, the individual is dependent on exogenous insulin.

According to McCance and Huether (2014) the following changes occur due to constant hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus:

  • Eyes: Retinopathy and Cataracts.
  • Central and Peripheral Nervous System: Neuropathy, and decreased cognition.
  • Circulatory: Heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension.
  • Liver: Steatohepatitis and biliary disease.
  • Gastrointestinal Tract: Gastroparesis.
  • Kidneys: Nephropathy and chronic kidney disease.
  • Hematologic System: Oxidative stress, immunosuppression, infection, and cancer.


2.     Identify how the changes might be affected using naturopathic medicine (research article)

According to the study conducted in India by Naturopath Nair (2016) where two groups of type II DM patients were studied for a period of 4 months. The first group used the traditional medications along with naturopathy. Second group used only traditional medication for treatment of DM. The naturopathy course in group I included session of mud therapy, massage therapy and cold hip bath for a period of 4 months. These all therapies lasted for 20 min each for one session. For first month the therapies were given 5 days a week and then reduced to 3 days a week for 2nd month and 2 days week for 3rd month and once a week for 4th month.

Naturopaths believe that by applying mud pack over the abdomen region on an empty stomach for a period of 20 min helps in correcting the imbalance between the gastrointestinal system and endocrine system of the body which are under active in type II DM patients leading to buildup of toxins. It also produces soothing and cooling effect by absorbing heat. It also improves the circulation of blood and eradicates the congestion and helps in toning of the viscera and tissues.

Massage therapy was done by smearing sesame oil over the abdomen and spinal area of the patient. By massaging there is increased circulation of blood and heat is generated which helps in toning of the muscles and increases the insulin sensitivity. The heat generation helps in eradicating the toxins via sweat and urine. It has been seen is it has been very helpful in treatment of diabetes.

Cold hip bath was given to the patients by immersing the body between umbilicus and the hip area in a cold water (220-320C) It is believed that it generates a profound effect on the functions of the body especially abdomen. It helps in metabolizing the glucose in the blood and increase blood circulation throughout the body.  Hip bath helps in contraction of the muscular structure of viscera and helps in stimulating the insulin production. It also reduces obesity and helps visceral organs to function properly. It reduces stress, detoxify the body, reduce excess fat.

Clinical assessment was done on all patient before beginning of the program and at the end. Symptoms like urination, blurry vision, fatigue and thirst were scored. Glycemic status like HgbA1c, fasting blood glucose and post prandial blood glucose levels were measured, lipid profile, oxidative stress (glutathione peroxidase, total antioxidative capacity) hormonal status (adipometry, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity and beta cell function were all tested. There was significant improvement noted in glycemic status, oxidative stress and insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in group 1 patients. This study showed an encouraging role of naturopathy and can be recommended as an adjuvant therapy along with traditional medicine for treatment of DM II. But a large-scale study needs to be done to get some conclusive results.




Nair, R. (2016). Emphasis of Naturopathy in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, 04(12), 14987-14993.



743 words

In reply to Pushpa Sengupta

Re: Role of Naturopathy in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus II

by Kathyrn Libby -


Very interesting the idea of the mud on the abdomen to help with the congestion of the intestinal and endocrine systems. This is a very unusual, but it was interesting that the study found some improvement. It would be good to see large studies for these CAM treatments and to see if some of the CAM treatment are not more closely tied to the traditions of certain populations and their heritage.

72 words