Religion, Yoga and Childhood Obesity

Religion, Yoga and Childhood Obesity

by Erik Contreras -
Number of replies: 2

Religiosity is generally seen as believing in a god or a higher power. Religiosity has been associated with good mental and physical health (Boisvert and Harrell, 2015 ). There is no studies that studied children and religion and the effect on obesity. There are some case studies that have shown implementation of yoga in Hispanic children, and reduction in body mass index and improved self esteem (Kaley-Isley, Peterson, Fischer, and Peterson, 2010).


Boisvert, J. A., & Harrell, W. A. (2015). Integrative Treatment of Pediatric Obesity: Psychological and Spiritual Considerations. Integrative medicine (Encinitas, Calif.), 14(1), 40-7.

Kaley-Isley, L. C., Peterson, J., Fischer, C., & Peterson, E. (2010). Yoga as a complementary therapy for children and adolescents: a guide for clinicians. Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)), 7(8), 20-32.

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In reply to Erik Contreras

Re: Religion, Yoga and Childhood Obesity

by Pushpa Sengupta -

Hi Eric,

In my opinion religion helps human beings to stay grounded and center their mind with the beliefs they are brought up. It helps a person to guide in a right path. So it definitely helps with mental and physical health. As we all know health has so many determinants and if any determinant is dysfunctional you are going to fall sick. Spirituality, religion, yoga, body mind spirit all guide us to same direction to become a good human being and if all the determinants of health are balanced it leads to a healthy life. Yoga is accounted as mild to moderate exercise and different forms of yoga also helps the individuals grow mentally strong and determined. Some where these aspects help with healthy life. We just need to have a research done on a larger scale and for a longer time to prove it scientifically I believe.


Thank you.

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In reply to Erik Contreras

Re: Religion, Yoga and Childhood Obesity

by Dominic Lomibao -

Hi Erik, 

In many cultures, especially the Hispanic culture, religious believes are big part of their lives. It gives them hope and assurance in life.  It also encourages them to do good things.  Even with the mentally ill patients that it gives them hope and joy.  Although it does not physically heal them, it gives them peace of mind. 

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