Module 5 Learning Outcomes and Activities

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner will be able to:

1. Describe current controversies in nutrition.

2. Demonstrate a beginning understanding of the use of food and dietary supplements alongside allopathic therapies to address clinical problems.

3. List at least 3 potential uses for herbal supplements in clinical practice that are supported by high-quality research (i.e., evidence hierarchy).

4. Verbalize a beginning understanding of how food, supplements, and drugs can interact.

5. Identify those foods and supplements that have been most frequently implicated in potentially serious drug interactions in the research literature.

6. Discuss at least one well-done high-quality research study that supports the use of a food or herbal supplement for the prevention, care, or treatment of a clinical problem of interest.

7. Discuss how a patient might be interviewed with regard to the use of dietary and herbal supplements in clinical practice.


The learner will:

1. Read all module assigned readings including:

Rakel (4th Ed) Chapter 104, "Prescribing Botanicals" and Chapter 105, "Prescribing Probiotics"

2. View all module power points and videos. 

3. Perform a literature search: Review the current literature on the clinical problem you are working on and the evidence-based nutrition (food) and/or supplement (e.g., vitamins, herbals) remedies that might inform your case study report.

4. Participate in Discussion 5: Drug and Supplement Interactions

Last modified: Sunday, September 2, 2018, 7:33 AM