ED & CAM (Acupuncture, Saffron)

ED & CAM (Acupuncture, Saffron)

by Erik Contreras -
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Approximately there were 322 million case of erectile dysfunction in 2005. There are various factors such as cardiovascular disease, smoking, depression and diabetes (Lee, Shin, Ernst, 2009). Nitric oxide allows for the muscles in the penis to relax, and allow blood flow. Acupuncture has been used in practice to modulate nitric oxide. Saffron was also has been used, and has had some positive effects on erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, the studies reviewed, had low statistical significance that it did provided positive effects on the patients. As the results varied. Saffron yield positive results, but it revealed heterogeneity results.



Irani, M., Sardasht, F. G., Ghazanfarpour, M., Mansouri, E., Entezari, E., & Khadivzadeh, T. (2018). A Systematic Overview of Reviews on the Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Erectile Dysfunction. Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, 6(4), 1476–1485. https://doi-org.ezproxy.csusm.edu/10.22038/jmrh.2018.29476.1318

Lee, M. S., Shin, B., & Ernst, E. (2009). Acupuncture for treating erectile dysfunction: A systematic review. BJU International, 104(3), 366-370. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410x.2009.08422.x


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