Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract to support cardiovascular health and erectile function.

Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract to support cardiovascular health and erectile function.

by Rakhi Sharma -
Number of replies: 1

Sexual health positively correlates with overall wellbeing. As the population ages, safe and effective interventions that preserve male sexual function are needed. One of the research study, “Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract improves self-assessed sexual health in men: a pilot study”, by Richard Stein, suggests that various preparations of Kaempferia parviflora, a plant in the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family, support cardiovascular health and may ameliorate erectile function. An open-label, one-arm study on 14 generally healthy males aged 50-68 years with self-reported mild erectile dysfunction, who were not using prescription treatments was conducted. Participants took 100 mg KaempMax™ daily for 30 days. The results suggest that KaempMax™ may improve erectile function in healthy middle-aged and older men. While the effects were not as pronounced as what might be seen with prescription medication, most participants found them satisfactory. This study also suggested that more longer and placebo-controlled clinical trials should be conducted to explore the benefits of  Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract to support cardiovascular health and erectile function.



Stein, R. A., Schmid, K., Bolivar, J., Swick, A. G., Joyal, S. V., & Hirsh, S. P. (2018). Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract improves self-assessed sexual health in men: A pilot study. Journal of Integrative Medicine,16(4), 249-254. doi:10.1016/j.joim.2018.05.005

207 words

In reply to Rakhi Sharma

Re: Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract to support cardiovascular health and erectile function.

by Pushpa Sengupta -

Hi Rakhi,

Your post reminded me of Viagra, how it was discovered for treatment of hypertension and angina but found to be a potent vasodilator. During the trial study they found that more than being helpful for hypertension and angina this drug was helpful in inducing erections in men.

I am guessing from all this is Kaempferia parviflora ethanol also has vasodilatory effects and thus is helpful with erectile dysfunction in middle and old age men; as men age their arteries get clogged and lose the elasticity and these kind of herb/drugs help with vasodilation and eventually with erectile dysfunction.


Thank you.

103 words