Effects Yoga to treat Ischial ulcers

Effects Yoga to treat Ischial ulcers

by Rakhi Sharma -
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Yoga helps to improve circulation by efficiently moving oxygenated blood to the body’s cells  (Ribeiro, 2015). Many studies have shown that practicing yoga asanas (postures),to reduced symptoms of multiple chronic conditions like pressure ulcers (Ribeiro, 2015). 
Iyengar yoga is a specialized type of yoga developed by Sri B.K.S. Iyengar, a renowned exponent of yoga teachings. Iyengar has published numerous books describing the principles underlying his teachings, which include a therapeutic approach in treating ailments as well as the innovative use of yoga props (e.g., belts, blankets, bolsters, chairs). Iyengar also focused on the use of breathing exercises and relaxation for yoga therapy interventions for several ailments, including various neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions (Ribeiro, 2015)
One of the case study “Iyengar Yoga Therapy Intervention for Ischial Pressure Ulcers in a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Study”, conducted by Subbappa Ribeiro studied a 62 year old female patient with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS who developed bilateral ischial ulcers during her terminal phase of the illness. In this study, the author used a yoga therapy intervention that consisted of repositioning the patient with the support of props. This repositioning was created for the patient to take pressure off the ulcers, to mitigate further worsening, and for pain management. This new posture with the support of props not only was effective in alleviating pain but also assisted in healing her pressure ulcer.
Ribeiro, S. (2015). Iyengar Yoga Therapy Intervention for Ischial Pressure Ulcers in a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 21(9), 578-582. doi:10.1089/acm.2014.0163

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