recurrent abdominal pain in children

recurrent abdominal pain in children

by Patricia Estrada -
Number of replies: 2
In reply to Patricia Estrada

Re: recurrent abdominal pain in children

by Jazel Ruivivar -

Peer review feedback:

    • Identify the strengths of the work. Then identify the area or areas that would benefit from expansion or clarification.
      • strengths of the work include nice thorough, detailed, concise presentation. very simple and straight to the point. easy to read 28 font. informative, organized, and very presentable. 
      • some areas that would benefit from expansion would be other types of activities at home or school that might be contributing to the abdominal pain. or stress or anxiety level that could also trigger some of the discomfort. and other information about his diet not just the adjustment or changes with it, but also the regular diet he has at home and school. wondering if patient is a picky eater, eats nuggets all the time, low fiber food, or water intake.
    • Comment on how well the writer synthesizes the current research for pathological changes on the selected disease process. Is the researched weaved together?
      • the current research is presented well throughout the presentation. it is organized well with each treatment and its evidence. it is weaved together nicely in a way that it's easy for the reader to understand.
      • as for the pathophysiology of the problem, it was mentioned that it can be caused by multiple reasons such as GI micro biomes, motility, altered immune system, visceral hypersensitivity, and psychosocial. it is a good summary of the possible cause, but in this patient's case, it was not elaborated enough as far as what would be the cause in this particular patient. 
    • Comment on your peer's recommendations for integrative healthcare interventions. Are they evidence-based? Are they ethical?
      • the treatments given are evidence based and ethical. probiotics and peppermint are the most plausible treatment given that it is a 7 year old patient. I am not very sure about hypnotherapy at this point, but I believe with multiple failure of other treatments, this may be considered. biofeedback has also showed good evidence and outcomes with patients, adults and children, so I do agree with this one as well. 
    • Comment on how concise the treatment plan is. Are there areas where information could be clarified?
      • treatment plan is concise and patient centered. I like how it was identified that probiotic must be done again and properly this time. the re trial of probiotic might work well along with the peppermint.
      • needs a little clarification on how often the probiotic should be done. would that be every day or just as needed? also, if the patient is having problems with it during school time, should it be discontinued immediately or still continue at home. these are the questions I am anticipating from the parents. 


  • very well done Patti! I am surprised we used the same powerpoint design, just different color :)
In reply to Jazel Ruivivar

Re: recurrent abdominal pain in children

by Patricia Estrada -

Thanks for your feedback, Jazel!

I used all your suggestions for my revision and turned it in today! Done and done.

