Review of Kathryn Libby - AMS

Review of Kathryn Libby - AMS

by Christine Lo -
Number of replies: 0

I thought that this was a very interesting case that you chose to present.  I had never heard of acute mountain sickness before.  For the integrative therapies, they sound as if they might actually help.  However, I wonder if for people who get AMS, if it would not be better to just avoid places of high altitudes altogether?  Of course, if it's their first time then it can't be helped.  I thought that the included chart of current medications used to treat AMS was helpful.  I also thought that it was interesting that athletes are more prone to AMS due to their higher likelihood of pushing themselves.  There don't seem to be any unethical reasons against the integrative treatments, however, are they for children as well?  I saw that there was a treatment plan for pediatrics for traditional medicine in the chart.

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