Discussion 1

Discussion 1

by Dominic Lomibao -
Number of replies: 4

My interests and expertise in the nursing field include mainly in adult medicine, age ranges 18 and older.  Lately I have been interested in hospice care, but I am also interested in learning how to treat chronic illness such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, cirrhosis, lungs and cardiac issues, etc.

50 words

In reply to Dominic Lomibao

Re: Discussion 1

by Jazel Ruivivar -

Hello Dominic!

I think it is great that you're interested in Hospice Care. Not many NPs are interested in that field but it is definitely an important population in dire need of NPs. Thank you for having such passion to Hospice Care, not everyone can handle it. 

47 words

In reply to Dominic Lomibao

Re: Discussion 1

by Linnea Axman -

Dear Dominic:

Hospice care will be a great topic. Please try and pick an illness for which you will provide hospice care such as cancer, CHF, etc.


Dr. Axman

30 words

In reply to Dominic Lomibao

Re: Discussion 1

by Kathyrn Libby -

Dear Dominic, 

I agree hospice is a great avenue to have the opportunity to provide integrative medicine. Working in the ICU, I feel the patient's that have metastatic disease would have a better death if they were willing to go home with hospice. In the hospital, there are just so many things done to a patient to provide time of life that could be augmented with integrative medicine. The families and patients would have an end of life experience that has the best support.

Jill Libby

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In reply to Dominic Lomibao

Re: Discussion 1

by Linnea Axman -

Dear Dominic:

I look forward to your case presentation of a disease process in hospice care. Please let me know as soon as possible what condition or end stage disease process you will be presenting in a patient aged 18-65 years. 

Thank you

Dr. Axman

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