palliative care for adult chronic illness

palliative care for adult chronic illness

by Patricia Estrada -
Number of replies: 4

1. Describe your interests and expertise in the nursing field, along with your chosen specialization.

  • I’ve always worked with adults in an acute care setting; but moving toward Family Nurse Practitioner, I have a curiosity for multigenerational health. I have a special interest in palliative care for adults with chronic illness, I think it’s an underutilized specialty and I would like to learn more.


2. Choose the age range that you are most interested in researching throughout the course. Post your first and second choice for age range, or indicate if you are open to any age range. The age ranges are listed below:

    • o   Birth–12 years (3).
    • 12–18 years (2).
    • 18–65 years (1).
    • o   Over 65 years.

While I am interested in adult palliative care, I am also interested in adolescent health and wellness, the normal growth and development that occurs in that age group and how to help them maintain health through all the challenges they face socially.


3. Choose the disease process, clinical problem or condition that you are most interested in focusing on for this course, and post it in this discussion. 

I am most interested in focusing on palliative care for chronic illness, specifically the chronic fatigue or chronic pain that comes with many chronic illnesses.


214 words

In reply to Patricia Estrada

Re: palliative care for adult chronic illness

by Pushpa Sengupta -

Hi Patti,

I am curious to see your findings as Palliative health is something which mostly people connect to hospice where as in my opinion hospice and palliative are interconnected but still two different entities. Then I can compare your findings with Dominic's as he is interested in hospice care. This would be quite interesting. I am excited for you. 

60 words

In reply to Patricia Estrada

Re: palliative care for adult chronic illness

by Mary Sandoval -

Hi Patty, I also have an interest in learning more about palliative care, and I too believe it is under utilized. I would hope to gain more knowledge to assist me to a level of comfort with guiding patients when entering palliative care. I would hope knowledge would enable me as an NP to assist my patients, especially those entering their final stages of chronic illess, often accompanied with pain, to utilized therapies offered.

74 words

In reply to Patricia Estrada

Re: palliative care for adult chronic illness

by Linnea Axman -

Dear Patti:

I understand from our face-to-face class that you would like to present a case study on abdominal pain in children and I fully support that; however, should you not find a case to present, please consider an adult or child in palliative care for a specific chronic disease.

Thank you

Dr. Axman

PS: Please keep me informed

59 words

In reply to Patricia Estrada

Re: palliative care for adult chronic illness

by Robert Vaughan -

Palliative care is an excellent area of study, especially for chronic illness. I see so many patients with COPD, CHF, ESRD who  suffer from so much pain, depression, and isolation. Focusing on ways to mitigate their suffering, prolong their quality of life is a noble venture. If you ever get a chance to speak with Dr. Asgari at work, you should talk to him about that. He did a Palliative fellowship. 

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