Age range and disease process

Age range and disease process

by Pushpa Sengupta -
Number of replies: 3

1. Describe your interests and expertise in the nursing field, along with your chosen specialization.

     My interests and expertise in the nursing field include mainly in adult population, age ranging from 18 and above. All my experience has been in adult medical intensive care unit. To learn how any disease state, its patho-physiological changes and how these  cellular level changes can make a person debilitated and can be life threatening, has always been my curiosity.

2. Choose the age range that you are most interested in researching throughout the course. Post your first and second choice for age range, or indicate if you are open to any age range. The age ranges are listed below:

Birth–12 years.

12–18 years.

18–65 years.

Over 65 years.

       I would be interested in researching on age range 18-65 years of age mainly.

3. Choose the disease process, clinical problem or condition that you are most interested in focusing on for this course, and post it in this discussion. 

       I am interested in diabetes mellitus type-II and how this disease process slowly starts,   mostly around 30-50 years of age and can be a precursor to other disease conditions. Now a days, with lot of changes in the  environment, stress, food and lifestyle changes diabetes has affected a large population, no matter what race, and is still rampant on its way. I would love to learn how integrative medicine will play a  role in controlling this disease state and there by helping our current and next generations in controlling and preventing them to be affected by this disease condition.


266 words

In reply to Pushpa Sengupta

Re: Age range and disease process

by Patricia Estrada -

Hi Pushpa,

How did I know you would choose diabetes? I'll be interested in your findings! 


17 words

In reply to Pushpa Sengupta

Re: Age range and disease process

by Linnea Axman -

Dear Pushpa:

I understand that you are interested in presenting a case on a patient aged 18-65 years with Type 2 Diabetes. I look forward to the evidence you present and the successes and challenges you experience and/or anticipate with your case.

Thank you

Dr. Axman

47 words

In reply to Pushpa Sengupta

Re: Age range and disease process

by Rakhi Sharma -

Hi Pushpa, 

I really like your topic, everyday at work we see multiple patients with Diabetes, and many patients from different cultures use home remedies or alternative medications to treat themselves . I am very  interested to follow your topic and research to see the benefits and risk factors of alternative medications to treat  DM Type 2. Great topic!


- Rakhi 


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