Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine

by Phoebe France Cinco -
Number of replies: 2

I am highly interested in Emergency Medicine. As an ER nurse, I think I can grow more as a clinician in this department. If not ER then Urgent Care. Being a novice clinician, I believe I can learn a lot in the ER setting. Later in my career, if I choose a clinic setting, then I can apply what I have learned in the ER into my practice. I would feel comfortable knowing with experience what is emergent and what can be managed in the clinic. I am interested in all age ranges. My career goal is to be a well-rounded Nurse Practitioner, and the ER is the only setting that takes care or all age ranges. In regards to a clinical problem, I am interested in musculoskeletal injuries. As a student nurse practitioner, I believe I am lacking in this knowledge and experience.

144 words

In reply to Phoebe France Cinco

Re: Emergency Medicine

by Linnea Axman -

Dear Phoebe:

I was an ER and critical care nurse for 13 years prior to becoming an FNP and it is wonderful preparation for family practice in or out of the ED. I look forward to your case presentation on a particular type of MSK (e.g., back, quad, hamstring, knee, hip) injury or complaint and how you would use Integrative therapies for that complaint in patients aged 18-65 years of age.

Thank you

Dr. Axman

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In reply to Phoebe France Cinco

Re: Emergency Medicine

by Patricia Estrada -

Hi Phoebe,

I am also interested in musculoskeletal injuries and how to treat them. Many of our patients do not have access to physical therapy, which is unfortunate. I would like to learn more about providing this care for our patients. Right now, I rely on what little knowledge I do have, some of the resources available to us and a google search, which seems inadequate. 

Thank you for your thoughts,


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