Yoga is a form of exercise that incorporates meditation and deep breathing as a multimodal adjuvant therapy on people that suffers from back pain. (Rakel, 2018) Yoga enhances body awareness, corrects postural strain, reduces maladaptive movements, and increases physical activity. At the same time, yoga reduces mental stress. Yoga is viewed as non-pharmacological conservative treatment for pain management.
In the qualitative study by Highland et al. (2018), yoga was used on active duty military and veterans with chronic lower back pain and chronic pain. The participants conducted 9-12 yoga sessions. The research concluded positive, meaningful improvements on military subjects. For subjects that suffer lower back pain yielded a high functioning mobility despite the presence of chronic pain.
Highland, K. B., Schoomaker, A., Rojas, W., Suen, J., Ahmed, A., Zhang, Z., … IIIBuckenmaier, C. C. (2018). Benefits of the Restorative Exercise and Strength Training for Operational Resilience and Excellence Yoga Program for Chronic Low Back Pain in Service Members: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 99(1), 91–98.