Academic Policy Committee (APC) 2012/13
Meets alt. Tuesdays beg. 8/28, 12:30-2 pm, SBSB 2217
The Academic Policy Committee shall have general oversight of all issues related to the creation, revision, and implementation of academic policies, procedures, regulations, and guidelines. The committee shall articulate and implement academic standards through the creation of academic policies and shall seek to safeguard the University’s institutional accreditation and the quality of its academic programs. In pursuit of these duties, the committee may create ad hoc subcommittees.
Chair: Sue Thompson, Library 11-13
Karina Miller, At-large Spring '13
Chet Kumar, CoBA 12-14
Open seat, CEHHS 12-14
Salah Moukhlis, CHABSS 12-14
Tejinder Neelon, CSM 11-13
David Barsky (L. Shahamiri), AVP-Academic Programs
Sarah Villarreal, Dean-Ext. Learning rep
David McMartin/Thomas Swanger, AVP-Enrollment Management Services
Gerardo Gonzalez, AVP-Research/Dean Grad. Studies
Pam Bell, Proj. & Degree Audit Coord.
Izzy Irizarry, ASI representative